How to work with slices of slices (multi-dimensional slices) in Golang?

In Go, slices of slices are used to create multi-dimensional data structures. Here's how you can work with them:

  1. Creating a Multi-dimensional Slice: You can create a multi-dimensional slice by defining a slice of slices using the composite literal syntax. For example, to create a 2D slice, you can do:

    var matrix [][]int
  2. Initializing the Slice: Before using the multi-dimensional slice, you need to allocate memory for each individual slice. You can do this by combining make() function with a for loop. For example, to create a 2x3 matrix, you can do:

    matrix = make([][]int, 2) for i := 0; i < 2; i++ { matrix[i] = make([]int, 3) }
  3. Access Elements: To access individual elements in the multi-dimensional slice, you can use the [row][column] syntax. For example, to access the element in the second row and third column, you can do:

  4. Modifying Elements: Similar to accessing, you can modify elements by simply assigning a value to a specific index. For example, to change the value in the first row and second column, you can do:

    matrix[0][1] = 5
  5. Appending Rows or Columns: You can append rows or columns to the multi-dimensional slice using the append() function. For example, to append a new row at the end of the matrix, you can do:

    newRow := []int{7, 8, 9} matrix = append(matrix, newRow)
  6. Iterating through the Slice: You can use nested loops to iterate through the multi-dimensional slice. For example, to print all the elements in the matrix, you can do:

    for i := 0; i < len(matrix); i++ { for j := 0; j < len(matrix[i]); j++ { fmt.Println(matrix[i][j]) } }

These are the basic operations you can perform on slices of slices in Go. Remember to allocate memory for each individual slice before using it, and be careful with index out of range errors.