How to use Vue.js directives like v-bind and v-model?

To use Vue.js directives like v-bind and v-model, follow these steps:

  1. v-bind:

    • v-bind is used to bind a value to an element's attribute. For example, v-bind:href="url" binds the value of url to the href attribute of an HTML element.
    • To use v-bind, add v-bind: or : before the attribute you want to bind.
    • Example: <a v-bind:href="url">Go to website</a> data() { return { url: "" } }
  2. v-model:

    • v-model is used to create two-way data binding between form input elements and Vue.js data properties.
    • To use v-model, add v-model to an input, select, or textarea element followed by the data property you want to bind.
    • Example: <input v-model="message" type="text"> <p>{{ message }}</p> data() { return { message: "" } }

These are the basic ways to use the v-bind and v-model directives in Vue.js. There are other advanced uses of directives, but understanding these basics will help you get started.