How to use the Google Sheets QUERY function to filter and manipulate data?

To use the Google Sheets QUERY function to filter and manipulate data, follow these steps:

  1. Open your Google Sheets document and select a new cell where you want the filtered data to appear.
  2. In the selected cell, type the following formula to start the QUERY function: =QUERY(range, query, headers). Replace "range" with the range of cells containing the data you want to query.
  3. Specify the query parameter by providing a SQL-like syntax within double quotes. This query will define how you want to filter and manipulate the data. For example, "SELECT *" will select all the columns, while "SELECT A, B, C" will select only columns A, B, and C.
  4. If your data has headers, set the headers parameter to 1. If not, set it to 0.
  5. Press Enter, and the filtered and manipulated data will appear in the selected cell.

Here are some examples of how you can use the QUERY function:

  • To filter rows based on a specific condition, use the WHERE clause. For example: "SELECT * WHERE A > 10" will select all rows where column A is greater than 10.
  • To sort the data, use the ORDER BY clause followed by the column name. For example: "SELECT * ORDER BY A" will sort the data based on values in column A in ascending order.
  • To combine multiple conditions, use logical operators such as AND, OR, etc. For example: "SELECT * WHERE A > 10 AND B = 'X'" will select rows where column A is greater than 10 and column B is equal to "X".

Experiment with different SQL-like syntax within the QUERY formula to filter and manipulate your data in various ways.