To build interactive command-line menus in Go using the flag package, you need to combine the flag package with some additional logic to create the menu experience. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use the flag package for building interactive command-line menus in Go:
Step 1: Import necessary packages
import (
Step 2: Define menu options using flag package
// Define flag options with default values
option1 := flag.Bool("option1", false, "Description of option 1")
option2 := flag.String("option2", "", "Description of option 2")
// Add more options as needed
Step 3: Parse command-line flags
Step 4: Handle menu options based on user input
// Access flag values and perform corresponding actions
if *option1 {
fmt.Println("Option 1 selected")
// Perform action for option 1
if *option2 != "" {
fmt.Println("Option 2 value:", *option2)
// Perform action with option 2 value
// Add more if conditions for additional options
Step 5: Run the program and test the menu
$ go run main.go -option1 -option2 "value"
In this example, the user can select options using command-line flags. You can customize the options, their descriptions, and actions based on your specific needs.