How to use the errors package in Go to create and manipulate errors?

The errors package in Go provides functionalities to create and manipulate errors. Here is an example of how you can use the errors package:

  1. Import the errors package:
import ( "errors" )
  1. Create a new error using the errors.New() function:
err := errors.New("This is an error message")

This creates a new error with the given error message.

  1. Check if an error occurred:
if err != nil { // There was an error // Handle the error }

You can use an if statement to check if an error occurred.

  1. Wrap an error with additional information using the errors.Wrap() function:
wrappedErr := errors.Wrap(err, "Additional information")

This creates a new error by wrapping the original error with additional information.

  1. Add stack trace to an error using the errors.WithStack() function:
stackErr := errors.WithStack(err)

This wraps the error with a stack trace, providing more detailed information about where the error occurred.

  1. Extract the original error message from a wrapped error using the errors.Unwrap() function:
origErr := errors.Unwrap(wrappedErr)

This retrieves the original error message from a wrapped error.

  1. Retrieve the stack trace from an error using the errors.StackTrace() function:
stackTrace := errors.StackTrace(err)

This retrieves the stack trace associated with the error. You can use this to print the stack trace or log it for debugging purposes.

These are some of the basic functionalities provided by the errors package in Go. You can explore the package documentation for more advanced features and options.