How to use the "each" method to iterate over a collection and perform an action in illuminate/collections?

In Illuminate/Collections, the each method is used to iterate over a collection and perform an action on each item. Here's how you can use it:

  1. Create a collection object:

    $collection = collect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
  2. Use the each method to iterate over the collection:

    $collection->each(function ($item) { // Perform action on each item echo $item; });

    In the example above, the anonymous function passed to the each method will be executed for each item in the collection. The current item is passed as an argument to the function.

    You can perform any desired action within the function, such as echoing, logging, or performing calculations.

    Note: The each method does not modify the original collection. If you want to modify the collection, you can use the transform or map methods instead.

Here's another example using a named function:

function processItem($item) { // Perform action on each item echo $item; } $collection = collect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); $collection->each('processItem');

In this example, we define a named function processItem and pass its name as a string to the each method. The function will be called for each item in the collection.

That's how you can use the each method to iterate over a collection and perform an action in Illuminate/Collections.