How to use syscall to create and manage custom system calls in Golang?

Creating and managing custom system calls in Go involves several steps. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you:

Step 1: Define the system call identifier

  • Open the file that contains the system call definitions (typically under syscall/syscall_linux.go).
  • Search for the syscall package, and navigate to the Amd64 structure.
  • Add a constant to define a unique system call number for your custom system call. Make sure it is not already used by any existing system calls.


const ( SYS_MY_CUSTOM_CALL = syscall.SYS_ARCH_PRCTL + 1 )

Step 2: Declare the custom system call

  • Create a new function that will serve as your custom system call.
  • Import the necessary packages (syscall, unsafe) and include the //go:noescape directive to prevent the compiler from optimizing the call away.
  • Use the syscall.Syscall or syscall.Syscall6 function to invoke the system call using the previously defined identifier. Ensure the correct number of arguments and registers are used.
  • The return value should be of type uintptr, and cast it to your desired return type.


package main import ( "syscall" "unsafe" ) //go:noescape func myCustomCall(arg1, arg2 uintptr) (uintptr, uintptr, uintptr) { return syscall.Syscall(SYS_MY_CUSTOM_CALL, arg1, arg2, 0) }

Step 3: Test the custom system call

  • Write a simple code snippet to demonstrate the usage of your custom system call.
  • Pass the arguments required for your custom call and handle any returned values accordingly.


package main import "fmt" func main() { ret, _, _ := myCustomCall(uintptr(10), uintptr(20)) fmt.Println("Custom system call result:", ret) }

That's it! You've now created and used a custom system call in Go using the syscall package. Remember to compile and run the code on a Linux machine for the system call to work as expected.