How to use sync.Map for efficient concurrent read and write operations on a map in Golang?

To use sync.Map for efficient concurrent read and write operations on a map in Golang, follow these steps:

  1. Import the sync package: import "sync"

  2. Declare and initialize the sync.Map object: var myMap sync.Map

  3. Use the Store method to write a value to the map:

    myMap.Store(key, value)
  4. Use the Load method to read a value from the map:

    result, ok := myMap.Load(key) if ok { // handle value found } else { // handle value not found }
  5. Use the Range method to iterate over all the key-value pairs in the map:

    myMap.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool { // handle each key-value pair return true // return false to stop iteration })
  6. Use the Delete method to remove a key-value pair from the map:


Note: It's important to remember that sync.Map does not provide direct access to the underlying map. Therefore, you can't use the length function len on sync.Map. Instead, use the Range method to iterate or perform any other operations on the map's elements.