How to use rate limiting with Symfony’s HTTP kernel?

Rate limiting in Symfony's HTTP kernel can be accomplished by using middleware to control the number of requests a user can send within a certain time period. Here is how you can implement rate limiting with Symfony's HTTP kernel:

  1. Create a new middleware class that will handle rate limiting. This class can extend Symfony's AbstractMiddleware class to make it compatible with Symfony's middleware architecture.
namespace App\Middleware; use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernelInterface; use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Middleware\AbstractMiddleware; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response; class RateLimitMiddleware extends AbstractMiddleware { private $limit; private $interval; private $storage; public function __construct(int $limit, int $interval, $storage) { $this->limit = $limit; $this->interval = $interval; $this->storage = $storage; } public function handle(Request $request, $type = HttpKernelInterface::MASTER_REQUEST, $catch = true) { // Check if the user has exceeded the rate limit $key = 'rate_limit_' . $request->getClientIp(); $requests = $this->storage->get($key, 0); if ($requests >= $this->limit) { return new Response('Rate limit exceeded', 429); } // Increment the number of requests for the user $this->storage->set($key, $requests + 1, $this->interval); // Continue with the request handling return $this->next->handle($request, $type, $catch); } }
  1. Register the middleware in your Symfony application's configuration. You can do this in your services.yaml file.
services: App\Middleware\RateLimitMiddleware: arguments: $limit: 100 $interval: 60 $storage: '@app.rate_limit_storage'
  1. Create a rate limit storage class that will track the number of requests made by each user. This can be a simple PHP class that uses a key-value store (e.g., Redis, Memcached, or even a simple PHP array) to store the request counts.
namespace App\RateLimit; class RateLimitStorage { private $storage = []; public function get(string $key, int $default = 0) { return $this->storage[$key] ?? $default; } public function set(string $key, int $value, int $ttl) { $this->storage[$key] = $value; // You can implement expiration logic here if needed } }
  1. Configure the rate limit storage service in your services.yaml file.
services: app.rate_limit_storage: class: App\RateLimit\RateLimitStorage
  1. Add the rate limit middleware to your Symfony application's middleware stack. You can do this in your kernel.php file.
use App\Middleware\RateLimitMiddleware; use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel; class AppKernel extends Kernel { protected function build() { $middleware = parent::build(); $middleware->addMiddleware(new RateLimitMiddleware()); } }

With these steps, you have successfully implemented rate limiting in Symfony's HTTP kernel using middleware. This will help you control the number of requests made by each user within a specified time period.