How to use expvar.NewString to create and expose string-based expvar variables in Go?

To use expvar.NewString to create and expose string-based variables in Go, follow these steps:

  1. Import the expvar package:
import "expvar"
  1. Create a variable of type expvar.String:
stringVar := expvar.NewString("myStringVar")

You can substitute "myStringVar" with the desired name for your string variable.

  1. Set the value of the string variable wherever you need it:
stringVar.Set("Hello, World!")

You can replace "Hello, World!" with the actual content you want your string variable to hold.

  1. Expose the variable using the expvar.Publish function:
expvar.Publish("myStringVar", stringVar)

Now, you have created a string-based variable using expvar.NewString and exposed it for monitoring using expvar.Publish.