How to use database as the queue driver in Laravel?

To use a database as the queue driver in Laravel, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Configure the Database Connection:

    • Open the config/database.php file.
    • Set the appropriate database connection details for your environment.
  2. Create the Jobs Table:

    • Laravel provides a command to generate a migration for the jobs table. Run the following command in your terminal: php artisan queue:table
    • This command will create a migration file in the database/migrations directory.
    • Run the migration command to create the jobs table in the database: php artisan migrate
  3. Update the Queue Configuration:

    • Open the config/queue.php file.
    • Set the default value to database.
    • Configure the connections array to use the database driver: 'database' => [ 'driver' => 'database', 'table' => 'jobs', 'queue' => 'default', 'retry_after' => 90, ],
  4. Use Database Driver in Jobs:

    • Open the job file you want to dispatch to the queue (e.g., app/Jobs/ExampleJob.php).
    • Override the queue method to specify the desired queue connection: public function queue($queue, $job) { $queue->connection('database')->push($job); }
  5. Dispatch Jobs to the Queue:

    • To dispatch a job to the queue, you can use the dispatch helper function or the dispatch method on the job itself.
    • For example: dispatch(new ExampleJob()); // or ExampleJob::dispatch();

That's it! Now, Laravel will use the database as the queue driver, and jobs will be stored in the database for processing. You can use the php artisan queue:work command to start the queue worker and process the jobs in the database.