How to use cURL to perform HTTP compression (gzip) with requests?

To use cURL to perform HTTP compression (gzip) with requests, you need to pass the appropriate headers indicating your preference for gzip compression. Here's an example using cURL:

curl -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip" -o output.txt

The -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip" flag tells the server that you prefer gzip encoding. The -o output.txt flag specifies the output file where the response will be saved. Finally, is the URL you want to retrieve with gzip compression enabled.

If successful, the response will be saved in the output.txt file in compressed format. To decompress the file, you can use tools like gunzip or similar utilities.

Note that cURL automatically handles gzip compression if the server supports it. You don't need to explicitly decompress the response; cURL will handle that for you and provide the decompressed data.