How to use Blade's inline PHP tags to execute PHP code within templates in Laravel?

Blade is the templating engine used in Laravel to generate dynamic views. It offers inline PHP tags to execute PHP code within templates. Here's how you can use them:

  1. Outputting data: To output data in Blade templates, you can use the {{ }} tags. For example:

    <h1>{{ $title }}</h1>
  2. Control structures: Blade provides control structures like @if, @foreach, @for, @while, etc., to conditionally display content or iterate over data. For example:

    @if($condition) <p>This will be displayed if the condition is true.</p> @endif
  3. Executing PHP code: To execute PHP code within templates, you can use the @php and @endphp tags. Any code placed between these tags will be executed. For example:

    @php $result = doSomething(); echo $result; @endphp
  4. Outputting unescaped data: If you want to output unescaped data (without HTML encoding), you can use the {!! !!} tags. However, be cautious as this could lead to potential security vulnerabilities if not handled carefully.

  5. Blade directives: Blade provides several directives like @include, @extends, @yield, @section, etc., to further enhance your templating experience. These directives allow you to include other templates, extend layouts, yield content, and define reusable sections.

These are some of the basic ways to use Blade's inline PHP tags in Laravel templates. However, it is important to note that the separation of concerns principle should be followed, and complex logic should be moved to controllers or separate PHP files instead of putting it directly in the views.