How to specify the maximum number of job attempts in Laravel?

In Laravel, you can specify the maximum number of job attempts by using the $tries property or method in your job class.

  1. Using the $tries property: Inside your job class, define a $tries property and set it to the desired maximum number of attempts for the job. For example, if you want to limit the job to 3 attempts, add the following property to your job class:

    protected $tries = 3;
  2. Using the tries() method: Laravel also allows you to define the maximum number of attempts using the tries() method. Inside your job class, add the tries() method and return the desired maximum number of attempts. For example, to set a limit of 3 attempts, add the following method to your job class:

    public function tries() { return 3; }

By default, Laravel uses a value of 1 for $tries, which means a job will be attempted only once.