How to send email notifications and implement email queues in Laravel?

To send email notifications and implement email queues in Laravel, you can follow these steps:

  1. Setup Email Configuration:

    • Open the .env file in your Laravel project root directory.
    • Set the MAIL_MAILER variable to smtp.
    • Configure the MAIL_HOST, MAIL_PORT, MAIL_USERNAME, MAIL_PASSWORD, and MAIL_ENCRYPTION variables according to your email service provider.
  2. Create a Notification:

    • Run the command php artisan make:notification NewEmailNotification to create a new notification class.
    • Open app/Notifications/NewEmailNotification.php and implement the toMail method to define the email's content and format.
  3. Implement Email Queue:

    • Open app/Http/Controllers/YourController.php or any controller where you want to trigger sending email notifications.
    • Use the Notification facade to send notifications. For example: use App\Notifications\NewEmailNotification; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Notification; // ... public function sendEmail() { $user = Auth::user(); Notification::route('mail', $user->email) ->notify(new NewEmailNotification($user)); }
  4. Configure Queue Driver:

    • Open the .env file again.
    • Set the QUEUE_CONNECTION variable to database.
  5. Run Migrations:

    • Run the command php artisan queue:table to create the required table for the queue in the database.
    • Run php artisan migrate to migrate the table.
  6. Process the Queue:

    • Run the command php artisan queue:work to start processing the email queue.
    • You can run this command in the background using supervisord or other process manager tools.

Now, whenever you call the sendEmail method in your controller, the email notification will be added to the email queue and processed by the queue worker in the background.