How to send a cURL request using a specific network interface?

To send a cURL request using a specific network interface, you can use the --interface option in the cURL command.

Here's how you can do it:

  1. Start by opening your terminal or command prompt.

  2. Find the name of the network interface you want to use. You can use the ifconfig command on macOS or Linux, or the ipconfig command on Windows to get a list of available network interfaces. Make a note of the name of the interface you wish to use.

  3. Construct your cURL request with the --interface option followed by the network interface name.

    The basic syntax of a cURL request is:

    curl [options] <url>

    To specify a network interface, add the --interface option:

    curl --interface <network_interface> [options] <url>

    Replace <network_interface> with the name of the network interface you obtained in step 2.

  4. Add any additional options or parameters you need for your cURL request, such as headers, request methods, data, etc.

  5. Finally, specify the URL of the API endpoint or website to which you want to send the request.

Here's an example of a cURL request using a specific network interface:

curl --interface eth0 -X GET

In this example, eth0 is the name of the network interface, and the request is sending a GET request to

By using the --interface option, you can ensure that the cURL request is sent through the specified network interface.