How to run a single PHPUnit test case or test suite?

To run a single PHPUnit test case or test suite, follow these steps:

  1. Install PHPUnit: If you haven't already installed PHPUnit, you need to install it. You can install it globally using Composer by running the following command:

    composer global require phpunit/phpunit
  2. Navigate to the project directory: Go to the root directory of your project using the command line.

  3. Run PHPUnit: To run a single test case, use the following command:

    phpunit --filter <test_case_name> [<test_file>]

    Replace <test_case_name> with the name of the test case you want to run, and <test_file> with the name of the test file containing that test case. If you omit the <test_file>, PHPUnit will search for the test case in all available test files.

    To run a specific test suite, use the following command:

    phpunit --testsuite <test_suite_name>

    Replace <test_suite_name> with the name of the test suite you want to run.

  4. Review the test results: PHPUnit will execute the selected test case or test suite and display the results in the terminal. You can see if the tests pass or fail, along with additional information such as the number of assertions and execution time.

Note: Make sure that your test files follow the naming convention that PHPUnit expects: <TestClassName>Test.php. For example, if your test case class is named MyClassTest, the corresponding test file should be named MyClassTest.php.

By running single test cases or test suites, you can focus on testing specific functionality and save time by not executing the entire test suite.