How to render dynamic data in Vue.js templates?

There are several ways to render dynamic data in Vue.js templates. Here are some commonly used techniques:

  1. Interpolation: You can use double curly braces({{ }}) to bind the data directly within the template. For example:
<template> <div> {{ message }} </div> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { message: 'Hello, Vue!' }; } }; </script>
  1. Directives: Vue.js provides directives like v-bind or :, v-text, v-html, etc. to dynamically update the HTML content. For example:
<template> <div> <span v-bind:title="message">{{ message }}</span> <button v-on:click="changeMessage">Change Message</button> </div> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { message: 'Initial message' }; }, methods: { changeMessage() { this.message = 'Updated message'; } } }; </script>
  1. Computed properties: You can define computed properties that dynamically update based on the data changes and use them in the template. For example:
<template> <div> <p>Original value: {{ originalValue }}</p> <p>Doubled value: {{ doubledValue }}</p> </div> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { originalValue: 5 }; }, computed: { doubledValue() { return this.originalValue * 2; } } }; </script>

These are just a few examples of rendering dynamic data in Vue.js templates. You can also use watchers, methods, filters, and other features provided by Vue.js to handle dynamic rendering as per your specific requirements.