How to redirect the output of a command to a file in Bash?

To redirect the output of a command to a file in Bash, you can use the > or >> symbol.

Here are the steps to redirect the output:

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt.
  2. Enter the command you want to run. For example, let's say you want to redirect the output of the ls command to a file named output.txt. The command would be: ls.
  3. Add the > symbol after the command, followed by the filename. This symbol redirects the output and overwrites the file each time you run the command. The updated command would be: ls > output.txt.
  4. If you want to append the output to an existing file instead of overwriting it, use the >> symbol instead of >. The updated command would be: ls >> output.txt.
  5. Press Enter to execute the command. The output of the command will be redirected to the specified file.

Note: If the file does not exist, it will be created. If it already exists, the > symbol will overwrite the existing content, while the >> symbol will append the new output to the end of the file.