How to protect a global resource from concurrent access using a sync.Locker in Golang?

To protect a global resource from concurrent access using a sync.Locker in Golang, you can follow these steps:

  1. Import the sync package by adding the following import statement to your code:

    import "sync"
  2. Create a global variable of type sync.Locker:

    var mutex sync.Locker = &sync.Mutex{}
  3. Whenever you want to access the global resource, use the Lock and Unlock methods of the sync.Locker interface:

    // Lock the mutex before accessing the global resource mutex.Lock() defer mutex.Unlock() // Ensure that the mutex is always unlocked, even in case of panic or return // Access the global resource here // Your code goes here

By locking the mutex before accessing the global resource and unlocking it afterward, you ensure that only one goroutine can access the resource at a time. Other goroutines that try to access the resource while it is locked will wait until the lock is released.

Note: Make sure to use the same sync.Locker instance (in this case, the mutex variable) across all goroutines that need to access the protected resource.