How to perform image compression and optimization for web usage in Go?

To perform image compression and optimization for web usage in Go, you can use the "" package. Here's a step-by-step guide to compress and optimize images:

Step 1: Install the imaging package. Open your terminal and run the following command:

go get -u

Step 2: Import the necessary packages. In your Go code, import the "" and "image/jpeg" packages:

import ( "" "image/jpeg" )

Step 3: Open and decode the image. Open the image file you want to optimize and decode it using the "imaging.Open" function:

sourceImage, err := imaging.Open("path/to/source/image.jpg") if err != nil { // Handle error }

Step 4: Resize the image (optional). If you want to resize the image while optimizing it, use the "imaging.Resize" function:

width := 800 // desired width resizedImage := imaging.Resize(sourceImage, width, 0, imaging.Lanczos)

Step 5: Compress and save the image. Compress and save the optimized image using the "imaging.Encode" function:

destination := "path/to/destination/image.jpg" err = imaging.Save(resizedImage, destination, jpeg.DefaultQuality) if err != nil { // Handle error }

Step 6: Cleanup (optional). If you want, you can remove the original image file and keep only the optimized version:

err = os.Remove("path/to/source/image.jpg") if err != nil { // Handle error }

That's it! You have now compressed and optimized an image for web usage using Go. Repeat these steps for every image you want to optimize.