How to list all S3 buckets using s3cmd?

To list all S3 buckets using s3cmd, follow these steps:

  1. Install s3cmd if you haven't already. You can install it using the package manager specific to your operating system (e.g., apt-get on Ubuntu, yum on CentOS, etc.), or you can download the source code from the official s3cmd GitHub repository and install it manually.

  2. Configure s3cmd by running the following command in your terminal:

s3cmd --configure

This command will guide you through the configuration process, prompting you to enter your Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, default region, and other settings. You can obtain these credentials from your AWS account.

  1. Once configured, you can list all S3 buckets by running the following command:
s3cmd ls

This command will return a list of all your S3 buckets along with their creation timestamps.

Note: Make sure you have proper permissions to access the S3 buckets. If you encounter any errors, review your IAM policies and permissions to ensure you have the necessary rights.