How to implement search functionality with Laravel's Scout package?

To implement search functionality with Laravel's Scout package, follow these steps:

  1. Install the Laravel Scout package using Composer:
composer require laravel/scout
  1. Publish the Scout config files using the following command, which will create a scout.php file in the config directory:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Laravel\Scout\ScoutServiceProvider"
  1. Configure the Scout driver in the config/scout.php file. By default, it uses the Algolia as the search engine, but you can change it to use any other supported search engine like Elasticsearch or MeiliSearch. Update the desired driver configuration accordingly.

  2. Generate migration files for the model you want to make searchable using the following command:

php artisan scout:table ModelName

Replace ModelName with your actual model name.

  1. Run the migration to create the search index table in your database:
php artisan migrate
  1. In your model file, use the Searchable trait and define the searchable attributes:
use Laravel\Scout\Searchable; class ModelName extends Model { use Searchable; /** * Get the searchable attributes for the model. * * @return array */ public function toSearchableArray() { return [ 'title' => $this->title, 'description' => $this->description, // Add more attributes as required ]; } }
  1. Index the existing records by running the following command:
php artisan scout:import "App\ModelName"

Replace ModelName with your actual model name.

  1. In your controller, use the search method to perform the search:
use App\ModelName; class SearchController extends Controller { public function search(Request $request) { $query = $request->input('query'); $results = ModelName::search($query)->get(); return view('search', ['results' => $results]); } }
  1. Finally, create a view to display the search results. For example, in your search.blade.php view file, you can iterate over the $results array to show the search results as needed.

These steps assume you have set up a basic Laravel application and have a model that you want to make searchable. Remember to replace "ModelName" with the actual name of your model.