How to handle errors when converting strings to numeric types using strconv in Golang?

When converting strings to numeric types using strconv package in Golang, you can handle errors by checking the returned error value. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Import the strconv package:
import "strconv"
  1. Convert the string to the desired numeric type using the appropriate strconv function (Atoi(), ParseInt(), ParseUint(), ParseFloat()). These functions return the converted value and an error:
stringValue := "42" intValue, err := strconv.Atoi(stringValue)
  1. Check the returned error value for any errors. If the error is not nil, then the conversion failed:
if err != nil { // Handle the error (e.g., return an error message, log the error, set a default value, etc.) fmt.Printf("Error converting string to int: %v", err) // Optionally, set a default value as a fallback // intValue = 0 }
  1. If the conversion was successful, you can use the converted value:
fmt.Printf("Converted int value: %d", intValue)

By checking the returned error value, you can handle errors and customize your behavior accordingly, whether by returning an error message, setting a default value, logging the error, or taking any other appropriate action.