How to group and ungroup rows and columns in Excel?

To group and ungroup rows and columns in Excel, you can follow these steps:

  1. Group Rows: a. Select the rows you want to group together. You can click and hold the mouse button to select multiple rows. b. Right-click on any of the selected row headers. c. In the context menu, click on "Group" or "Group Rows".

  2. Group Columns: a. Select the columns you want to group together. Similarly, you can click and hold the mouse button to select multiple columns. b. Right-click on any of the selected column headers. c. In the context menu, click on "Group" or "Group Columns".

  3. Ungroup Rows or Columns: a. To ungroup rows or columns, simply right-click on any grouped header (row or column) within the group. b. In the context menu, click on "Ungroup" or "Ungroup Rows" / "Ungroup Columns".

Alternatively, you can also use the keyboard shortcuts:

  • To group rows: Shift + Alt + Right Arrow
  • To group columns: Shift + Alt + Down Arrow
  • To ungroup rows or columns: Shift + Alt + Left Arrow

By grouping rows or columns, you can hide or show the grouped content with a single click on the group's header.