How to display images and assets with Blade templates in Laravel?

To display images and assets with Blade templates in Laravel, you can follow these steps:

  1. Store your images and assets in the public folder of your Laravel project, or in any designated storage folder.

  2. Use the asset() helper function in your Blade template to generate the complete URL to your asset. For example, to display an image, you can use the asset() function in the src attribute of the <img> tag like this:

    <img src="{{ asset('images/example.jpg') }}" alt="Example Image">

    This will generate the complete URL to the example.jpg image, assuming it is located in the public/images folder.

  3. You can also use the url() helper function if you are using a custom storage location. For example:

    <img src="{{ url('storage/images/example.jpg') }}" alt="Example Image">

    This will generate the complete URL to the example.jpg image, assuming it is located in the storage/images folder.

    Note: If you are using the storage folder, make sure to create a symbolic link using the php artisan storage:link command.

  4. To include CSS or JavaScript files, you can use the asset() function in the href or src attributes of the respective tags. For example:

    <link href="{{ asset('css/style.css') }}" rel="stylesheet"> <script src="{{ asset('js/script.js') }}"></script>

    This will generate the complete URLs to the style.css and script.js files, assuming they are located in the public/css and public/js folders, respectively.

By using these methods, you can easily display images and include assets in your Laravel Blade templates.