How to create custom error handlers in Symfony?

To create custom error handlers in Symfony, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new class that extends Symfony\Component\Debug\ExceptionHandler and implement the handle() method:
namespace App\Handler; use Symfony\Component\Debug\ExceptionHandler as BaseExceptionHandler; class CustomExceptionHandler extends BaseExceptionHandler { public function handle(\Exception $exception) { // Handle the exception here } }
  1. Register the custom error handler service in your services.yaml file:
services: App\Handler\CustomExceptionHandler: tags: - { name: kernel.exception }
  1. Update your config/packages/framework.yaml file to use the custom error handler service:
framework: exception_handler: App\Handler\CustomExceptionHandler
  1. Implement the logic in the handle() method of the CustomExceptionHandler to handle the Exception object. You can log the error, render a custom error page, or perform any other desired action.

With these steps, you have created a custom error handler in Symfony that will be used to handle exceptions thrown in your application.