How to create and use indexes for fuzzy and approximate string matching in Go?

To create and use indexes for fuzzy and approximate string matching in Go, you can use the go-fuzzy library. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Install the go-fuzzy library by running the following command:

    go get -u
  2. Import the library in your code:

    import ""
  3. Create an index by defining a slice of fuzzy.Model objects:

    var index []fuzzy.Model
  4. Add strings to the index by creating a new fuzzy.Model object for each string:

    index = append(index, fuzzy.Model{Str: "example string"})
  5. Optionally, you can customize the index by setting parameters like Tokenization, Scoring, and Defuzzify. For example:

    index = append(index, fuzzy.Model{ Str: "another string", Tokenization: fuzzy.NGram(3), // Use trigram tokenization Scoring: fuzzy.DotProduct, // Use dot product scoring Defuzzify: fuzzy.Exact, // Return exact matches })
  6. To perform a fuzzy string search against the index, create a new fuzzy.Query object with your search string:

    query := fuzzy.NewQuery("search text")
  7. Retrieve search results by calling the fuzzy.FindMatches function, passing in the query and index:

    results := fuzzy.FindMatches(query, index)
  8. Iterate over the search results to access the matched strings and scores:

    for _, result := range results { fmt.Println(result.Model.Str, result.Score) }

That's it! You've now created and used indexes for fuzzy and approximate string matching in Go using the go-fuzzy library. Further documentation on the library can be found at: