How to create and use custom Artisan commands in Laravel?

To create and use custom Artisan commands in Laravel, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a new command Run the following command in your terminal at the root of your Laravel project to generate a new command class:

php artisan make:command MyCustomCommand

This will create a new MyCustomCommand class inside the app/Console/Commands directory.

Step 2: Modify the command Open the generated MyCustomCommand class and update the signature and description properties to specify the command name and description:

protected $signature = 'my:customcommand'; protected $description = 'My custom command';

You can also modify the handle method to define the logic of your command.

Step 3: Register the command Open the app/Console/Kernel.php file and add your command class to the commands array in the protected $commands property:

protected $commands = [ Commands\MyCustomCommand::class, ];

Step 4: Run the command You can now run your custom command using the Artisan CLI. In the terminal, run:

php artisan my:customcommand

Your custom command will now be executed, and you will see the output as defined in the handle method.

That's it! You have successfully created and used a custom Artisan command in Laravel. You can add more functionality to your command by adding arguments, options, or even interact with the user via the command line.