How to create and manipulate a circular buffer (ring) in Go using the container/ring package?

To create and manipulate a circular buffer (ring) in Go using the container/ring package, follow these steps:

  1. Import the container/ring package:
import "container/ring"
  1. Create a new ring of a specific size:
size := 5 myRing := ring.New(size)
  1. Initialize the ring with some values. You can use the Do() method to iterate over the ring and assign values:
myRing.Do(func(p interface{}) { myRing.Value = 0 // Assign initial value to the ring myRing = myRing.Next() })
  1. Access and modify the values in the ring. You can use the ring's Value field to get or set the value at the current position:
current := myRing.Value.(int) // Get the value at current position myRing.Value = current + 1 // Set the value at current position
  1. Move the current position to the next or previous element using the Next() and Prev() methods:
myRing = myRing.Next() // Move to the next element myRing = myRing.Prev() // Move to the previous element
  1. Perform actions on the ring elements using the Do() method. For example, to print all the values in the ring:
myRing.Do(func(p interface{}) { fmt.Println(p) myRing = myRing.Next() })
  1. Continue manipulating the ring as needed, looping around to the start once the end is reached.