How to create and display conditional content in Blade templates in Laravel?

In Laravel's Blade template engine, you can use conditional statements to create and display conditional content. Here are a few ways to achieve this:

  1. @if, @elseif, and @else: The @if statement allows you to check a condition and display content if the condition is true. You can also use @elseif and @else to add additional conditions. For example:

    @if($condition) <p>This content will be displayed if the condition is true.</p> @elseif($anotherCondition) <p>This content will be displayed if the first condition is false and the second condition is true.</p> @else <p>This content will be displayed if both conditions are false.</p> @endif
  2. The @unless statement: The @unless statement is the opposite of @if. It displays the content if the condition is false. For example:

    @unless($condition) <p>This content will be displayed if the condition is false.</p> @endunless
  3. The @isset and @empty statements: You can use the @isset statement to check if a variable or value exists, and the @empty statement to check if a variable or value is empty. For example:

    @isset($variable) <p>This content will be displayed if the variable is set.</p> @endisset @empty($array) <p>This content will be displayed if the array is empty.</p> @endempty
  4. The @switch statement: The @switch statement allows you to compare a value against different cases and display content accordingly. For example:

    @switch($value) @case(1) <p>This content will be displayed if the value is 1.</p> @break @case(2) <p>This content will be displayed if the value is 2.</p> @break @default <p>This content will be displayed if none of the cases match.</p> @endswitch

These are just a few examples of how you can create and display conditional content in Blade templates using Laravel. The Blade template engine provides other helper methods and directives that you can utilize to make your templates more dynamic and flexible.