How to create a route group with a common middleware in Laravel?

To create a route group with a common middleware in Laravel, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the routes/web.php file in your Laravel project.

  2. Use the Route::middleware() method to define the common middleware for the route group.

    Route::middleware(['middleware1', 'middleware2'])->group(function () { // Routes will go here });

    Replace 'middleware1' and 'middleware2' with the actual names of the middlewares you want to apply to the route group.

  3. Inside the route group, define your routes using the Route facade just like you would outside the group.

  4. Save the file and you're done. All the routes within the group will now have the common middleware applied to them.

Here's an example of a route group with common middleware:

Route::middleware(['auth', 'admin'])->group(function () { // Routes for authenticated admin users only Route::get('/dashboard', 'DashboardController@index'); Route::post('/dashboard/update', 'DashboardController@update'); });

In the example above, the auth and admin middlewares are applied to all the routes inside the group, ensuring that only authenticated admin users can access those routes.