How to create a progressive web app (PWA) with Vue.js?

To create a Progressive Web App (PWA) with Vue.js, you can follow these steps:

  1. Setup a Vue.js project:

    • Install Vue CLI by running the command npm install -g @vue/cli.
    • Create a new Vue project using vue create command.
    • Configure the project options according to your needs.
  2. Install necessary dependencies:

    • Vue CLI already includes Vue Router and Vuex, which are essential for building a PWA.
    • Additionally, install @vue/cli-plugin-pwa to add PWA support to your project. vue add @vue/cli-plugin-pwa
    • This will install the necessary dependencies and modify your project accordingly.
  3. Configure the PWA:

    • Open the vue.config.js file at the root of your project.
    • Add the following code to configure the PWA: module.exports = { pwa: { name: 'Your App Name', themeColor: '#ffffff', msTileColor: '#ffffff', appleMobileWebAppCapable: 'yes', appleMobileWebAppStatusBarStyle: 'black', }, };
    • Customize the properties according to your app's requirements.
  4. Customize the PWA's manifest:

    • Open the public/manifest.json file.
    • Customize the fields like name, short_name, theme_color, background_color, etc. to match your app's branding.
    • You can also add icons and splash screens in appropriate sizes and formats.
  5. Build and test the PWA:

    • Run the command npm run build to build your app for production.
    • Once the build is complete, you can serve the app locally or deploy it to a web server.
    • Ensure that your app follows PWA requirements like being served over HTTPS, having a service worker, etc.

Your Vue.js Progressive Web App is now ready to be used. Users can visit your app on a modern web browser and optionally install it as a standalone app on their devices.