How to create a new S3 bucket with s3cmd?

To create a new S3 bucket using s3cmd, follow these steps:

  1. Install s3cmd on your local machine. You can download it from the official GitHub repository or install it using package managers like apt or yum.

  2. Open a command prompt or terminal window.

  3. Configure s3cmd with your AWS credentials. Run the command s3cmd --configure and provide your access key ID, secret access key, default region, and encryption settings when prompted.

  4. Once configured, you can create a new S3 bucket by running the following command:

    s3cmd mb s3://bucket-name

    Replace "bucket-name" with your desired name for the bucket. It must be unique within AWS S3.

  5. If the bucket creation is successful, you will see a message stating the bucket's URL.

Note: Ensure that you have appropriate permissions to create a bucket on AWS.