How to create a dashboard or visualization tool for expvar metrics in Go?

To create a dashboard or visualization tool for expvar metrics in Go, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install a suitable web framework: Choose a web framework like gin or echo to handle HTTP requests and routing. You can install them using go get command:

    go get -u
  2. Import necessary packages: Import the required packages for your application:

    import ( "expvar" "" "net/http" )
  3. Create a custom Handler to expose expvar metrics: Define a custom handler function that will handle the request to expose expvar metrics:

    func ExpvarHandler() gin.HandlerFunc { return func(c *gin.Context) { expvar.Handler().ServeHTTP(c.Writer, c.Request) } }
  4. Set up your HTTP server: Configure your HTTP server using the chosen web framework and set up routes for the metrics endpoint:

    func main() { router := gin.Default() // Set up the expvar handler route router.GET("/metrics", ExpvarHandler()) // Run the HTTP server router.Run(":8080") }
  5. Add instrumented variables: In your Go code, use expvar package functions to create and update expvar variables:

    package main import ( "expvar" "time" ) var ( totalRequests = expvar.NewInt("total_requests") requestDurations = expvar.NewFloat("request_durations") ) func handleRequest(c *gin.Context) { // Record request totalRequests.Add(1) // Simulate some work time.Sleep(time.Second) // Record request duration requestDurations.Set(float64(time.Second)) // Handle request c.String(http.StatusOK, "Hello, World!") }
  6. Run your application: Compile and run your application using the go run command:

    go run main.go
  7. Access the metrics dashboard: Navigate to http://localhost:8080/metrics, or the appropriate address, in your web browser to access the expvar metrics dashboard.

Keep in mind that this is a simple example to get you started. You can customize and extend it further based on your specific requirements, such as adding more expvar variables, formatting the metrics display, and integrating additional visualization tools.