How to copy objects between S3 buckets?

There are a few different ways to copy objects between S3 buckets. One way is to use the AWS Management Console:

  1. Log in to your AWS Management Console and navigate to the S3 service.

  2. In the S3 dashboard, select the bucket that contains the objects you want to copy.

  3. Select the object(s) you want to copy by checking the box next to each object.

  4. Click on the "Actions" dropdown menu and select "Copy".

  5. In the "Destination bucket" field, select the bucket you want to copy the objects to.

  6. Click on "Copy" to initiate the copy process.

Another way to copy objects between S3 buckets is to use the AWS CLI. Here's an example command to copy an object from one bucket to another:

aws s3 cp s3://source-bucket/object.txt s3://destination-bucket/

Replace source-bucket with the name of the bucket containing the object you want to copy and object.txt with the name of the object. Replace destination-bucket with the name of the bucket you want to copy the object to.

You can also use the AWS SDKs or third-party tools like Cyberduck or S3cmd to copy objects between S3 buckets.