How to compress and decompress data using the compress/lzw package in Go?

To compress and decompress data using the compress/lzw package in Go, you can follow these steps:

  1. Import the compress/lzw package.
import "compress/lzw"
  1. To compress the data, create a new io.Writer using lzw.NewWriter function. Pass the destination writer and the compression level to the function. The compression level should be between 0 and 9, where 0 means no compression and 9 means maximum compression.
compressedData := make([]byte, 0) compressWriter := lzw.NewWriter(&compressedData, lzw.MSB, 8)
  1. Write the data to be compressed using the Write method of the compress.Writer.
compressWriter.Write([]byte("Data to be compressed"))
  1. After writing the data, close the compress.Writer to flush any remaining compressed data and update the compressed data slice.
  1. To decompress the data, create a new io.Reader using the lzw.NewReader function. Pass the source reader, such as bytes from a compressed file, and lzw.MSB, which represents the most significant bit first.
decompressReader := lzw.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(compressedData), lzw.MSB, 8)
  1. Use the Read method of the decompress.Reader to read the decompressed data.
decompressedData := make([]byte, 0) decompressReader.Read(decompressedData)
  1. Close the compress.Reader to release any associated resources.

That's it! You have now compressed and decompressed data using the compress/lzw package in Go.