How to commit changes to the Git repository?

To commit changes to a Git repository, you can follow these steps:

  1. Check the status of your repository using the git status command. This will give you an overview of the modified files.

  2. Stage the changes you want to commit by using the git add command followed by the file or directory names you want to include in the commit. For example, git add file1.txt or git add . to stage all changes.

  3. Verify the changes staged for commit by running git status again. It should show the files or directories in the "Changes to be committed" section.

  4. Commit the changes by using the git commit command followed by a meaningful commit message. For example, git commit -m "Add new feature".

  5. If prompted, provide your username and password or configure your Git credentials if you haven't done so already.

  6. After executing the command, Git will create a new commit with the changes and assign it a unique commit hash. The commit hash can be used to refer to the commit in the future.

Remember to commit frequently and provide descriptive commit messages that explain the changes you made. This will help in maintaining a clear and organized Git history.