How to apply color correction and adjustment to an image in Go?

To apply color correction and adjustment to an image in Go, you can use the package. Here's an example of how you can do it:

  1. Install the imaging package by running the following command:
go get -u
  1. Import the necessary packages in your Go code:
import ( "" "image" "image/color" )
  1. Load your image file into a Go image.Image object:
srcImage, err := imaging.Open("path/to/your/image.jpg") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) }
  1. Apply color correction or adjustments to the image using the provided functions from the imaging package. For example, you can apply a sepia filter:
sepiaImage := imaging.AdjustFunc(srcImage, func(c color.NRGBA) color.NRGBA { return color.NRGBA{ R: uint8(float64(c.R)*0.393 + float64(c.G)*0.769 + float64(c.B)*0.189), G: uint8(float64(c.R)*0.349 + float64(c.G)*0.686 + float64(c.B)*0.168), B: uint8(float64(c.R)*0.272 + float64(c.G)*0.534 + float64(c.B)*0.131), A: c.A, } })
  1. Save the modified image to a file:
err = imaging.Save(sepiaImage, "path/to/save/sepia_image.jpg") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) }

You can explore other functions provided by the imaging package to perform various color correction and adjustments, such as changing brightness, contrast, saturation, etc.